Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday Run

I woke up to a morning without professional obligations. I've spent a last week executing and facilitating logistics for DDD's annual board meeting in Asia, so today's my first substantive day of freedom. I slept in until 10:30, and met a S (a newly arrived co-worker) for a run along the river.

With the help of Toro (motorcycle driver, guide, friend, comic relief), we drove twenty minutes south of Phnom Penh to the Kandal province, passing impressive embassies, ministries, the Senate, and the majority Cambodian People's Party compound.

We ran under the powerful Southeast Asian sun, first along the river (the Tonle Sap, I think) and then the highway. The heat was overwhelming, and we stopped to walk after a 2-3 miles, restarting the run and then cyclically repeating.

In addition to the dust of the road, the sugary, wet aroma of fresh tobacco hung in the air, a pleasant result of the nearby British American Tobacco plant.

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