Monday, December 22, 2008

Three Days Later

A brief look on my itinerary of the past three days:

Saturday Morning: Breakfast in Yangon. Flight from Yangon to Bangkok.

Saturday Afternoon: Seven-hour lay-over in the Bangkok Airport. Flight from Bangkok to Phnom Penh.

Saturday Evening: Arrival in Phnom Penh at 8pm, at a party on the riverside by 10, a concert by 11:30, and post-concert drinks from 1-4ish.

Sunday Morning: Packing from 4-8am. Flight from Phnom Penh to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), transit into city, checked into a dive hotel in near "Sentral Stration," long dinner from 7-11:30pm with Mr. A-Z, a clever and deeply analytical Malaysian telecom executive (we got to be friends in early 2008 in Phnom Penh). Asleep around midnight.

Monday Morning: Wake-up at 5am, transit to KL airport. "All I ask of you" from Phantom of the Opera is playing on the airtrain, which I find deeply moving, bringing tears.

Flight from KL to Stockholm, 9:15am. 11 hour flight, the plane is almost half empty and I stretch out over a whole row. I watch Ghost Town (of interest), Wall E (wonderful, a good re-watch), Hellboy 2 (poor writing, great imagery). We arrive at Arlanda at 2:30pm. The sun is setting, and it is dark by 3pm. I make the mistake of not spending the remaining 300 kronor from November's stop here.

Flight from Stockholm to Newark, 8 hours. I watch Fred Claus and eat 3 Swedish shrimp salad sandwiches, and get another row to myself.

Three days, three cities, six airports.

1 comment:

Eli said...

Makes me dizzy.

Odd the flights were half-empty.

Welcome back. Our hero.