Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Evening at the Pools

One night, two pools.

After work, the Swedes and I went to the Olympic stadium. She ran, we swam. A massive pool, only a few people in the water.

Within twenty minutes, the pool was completely empty. The light was evening blue, and bats swooped down over the surface of the water as we did slow laps.

An excellent terrace dinner followed, marvelous marinated chicken, potatoes, fine scotch, Swiss chocolate, dragon fruit, slow pace.

At 11, we took a motorcycle to a private boutique hotel and swimming club. While it was technically closed, the guard let us in and brought us towels. Under the stars and a beautiful neo-colonial villa, we swam in the small, well-lit water. The pool was surrounded by palm trees, and completely deserted.

From beneath the surface, the underwater lights tinted green. I swam towards the green light, the waters silent.

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