Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Returning to Phnom Penh

After a 6 and 1/2 hour bus ride, i'm back in Phnom Penh. It's quieter than Saigon, and a bit more manageable.

I've checked into my last guesthouse for this stay: I've tried six different places in Phnom Penh.

After work, I had a long dinner with my Swedish friends at Comme La Maison, a well-known French restaurant. It's a tasteful and low-key place, which was perfect after jumping back into work.

I'm happy to be back in Phnom Penh, and ambivalent about returning home to New York.

New York: Cooler weather, a (arguably) faster pace, and a return to friends and family, but also the a loss of the new life and friends i've found and made here.


Anonymous said...


Yes, it's a loss of your new life as you return to your homeland. I know you are emotionally torn, but paraphrase what a famous and extremely arrogant American general once said as he waited for the photographers to line up their shots of him wading through the waters of the Phillipines, "You too SHALL RETURN!"

I miss you and look forward to a big hug and many stories of your adventures in SE Asia....the Beautiful American comes home.



lsafron said...

It's good to travel the world and plant lupine seeds far from home, and it is also good to come home to celebrate Passover and be with friends and family. You will travel again soon, I am sure. wishing you a safe and easy trip home in a few days. We'll be at the airport to greet you.